Monday, August 24, 2009

~ Aligning~

The Body speaks as sensations of all characters move throughout the layers and subtle energy awareness. With major highways of energy tracks bringing messages of the ancestors, release, letting go and acceptance AND CHANGE~~maybe or Not. Choose how to see life's subtle world of energy. Yin and Yang only assist in distinguishing energy types. Male and Female. Equal of both is an alignment energetically. As it takes energy to set action to motion being in alignement gives more energy since it takes less effort.

Curious and inquisitive regarding the discovering of all parts of my inner pysche, this is necessary to see the truth of my potential of what is my mission here on earth. How can I
serve humanity? What are the unliked parts of myself..the ego.. beliefs and poor programs of
fear passed down through the women in my lineage. These get to be seen acknowledged and
healed for the blessing to go thy way. Detaching every second to any idea/belief to then see another to then break it and then to another, consistently changing belief systems..for now
Soon those ego desires will fall away leaving less ideas as we swim in the pisces sea of uncondtional love ravishing in the unlimited bliss of joy and resurrection!
Aligning my thoughts and now actions to this earth walk with focused intention.
In search of my tribe to bring my gifts to this physical plane~and beyond~~


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