Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Matter

The theme of today's treatment with EMDR, eye movement,desensitization, reprocessing~ This is a jump-start to feeling "fine". For someone who may be unaware of types of therapies and what psychology is truly capable of, EMDR is quite amazing to say the least. I have been reading about this modality every since it was referred to me for assisting my personal development and healing. Almost seven years since I was encouraged to receive this work, here it is.

Wow! My first session! There were definite cross-overs from the work that I have practice for myself and clients. The key point, the eyes. No other treatment that I have witnessed has ever gotten this result in those speed, guaranteed. NLP is close, energy work and "bio-energetics" do their thing, this is definitely a much needed step to any direction of reprocessing & support building regimen.

I could not even remember the original image of distress in which the therapist and I initially began working with. I felt an opening and deep release of an old programs. Letting go of images in which I have been seeing repeated through my minds eye for years that got in the way of school, work and all life related activities and connecting in love~

I will savor the process and go further in more detail in next blog. The treatment was the dance of feeling the distress then being taken to that safe space. A new phrase was given to over ride the original one holding negativity. The therapist held very carefully and safe space for this balancing act. I was left with bringing the "I matter" into my life again~ This session was no longer than an hour~start to finish.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Wikipedia says: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy that was developed by Francine Shapiro[1][2] to resolve the development of trauma-related disorders caused by exposure to distressing events such as rape or military combat.
According to Shapiro's theory,[1] when a traumatic or distressing experience occurs, it may overwhelm usual cognitive and neurological coping mechanisms. The memory and associated stimuli of the event are inadequately processed, and are dysfunctionally stored in an isolated memory network.
The goal of EMDR therapy is to process these distressing memories, reducing their lingering influence and allowing clients to develop more adaptive coping mechanisms.

Although some clinicians may use EMDR for other problems, its research support is primarily for disorders stemming from distressing life experiences,[3] such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).[4][5] However, EMDR remains somewhat controversial due to questions about its methods and theoretical foundations.[6][7][8][9][1

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Still Practicing Presence~

As I reread over blogs from 2007 I realize that even now there are struggles with being completely let go and present without an agenda or intentions of thoughts~ Being aware of the fluttering around, shallow breathing, and the run-on of unrest that follows me. I feel as if a big chunk of insight and breakthroughs have occurred these last several years. Patiently I will continue to watch and listen to my breathe~

I have more tools, so distractions are sneaking in every way possible. One step at a time and slowing down actions & pace come to mind. I just read an amazing book by the great amazing teacher, Thich Nan Han (sp?) His very simple to read book has some elemental exercises to apply to daily life interactions to stay on track of a mindful life~

Today I spent over three hours in ritual and communing with elders to ask for guidance~ I set intentions for the rest of the month in hopes of nothing and everything. I seek Simplicity and 'Sustained Stillness" (Catey) Gave me that phrase which I have taken to heart and intend to include in my daily breath exercises~

Freedom is right under our noses literally~ As we breath and think so we are~
Persistence + courage are in my toolbox now~ and it's not in ease times where they are most needed~ Today the planets were all aligned with firey signatures lighting up my own personal star chart to activate an evolution of my soul for this lifetime~ I am grateful and appreciate this challenge even though I had judgment for how I "handled" the energy challenge~ I got a lil on the firey side of reactions opposed to "responding" the beauty way. Which leads to another rediscovered tool yelling at me, singing. Ancient songs such as "Walking the Beauty Way" are such lovely options for ways to vent energy in order to transmutate them to grace~

I feel great!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Biosphere Balance

~ Ecosystems occur when communities and their physical surroundings work together. Humans are the only species that destroy them...hum

Gonna ponder this new dream paradigm one day at a time~ The Mayan natural way of counting the days~..eight days a week instead of the fear that went into the development of the Gregorian of unnatural laws set to confusion & delusion

The last two mornings brought my physical body's spine straight up to feel the cosmic portal ~ receiving & being downloaded insights. Day two out of 7 days of portal openings~~
I pray and send light to earth now with intentions to heal the biosphere damage. I perfect, produce and manifest Earth Effervescence Eternal ! Aho And so it is! And may all the animals be without suffering in this transition & in the New Earth, no man can own animals enslave them to death!

Here in Chelan, rooted in Patchu mama's fire and manifest!

Monday, August 24, 2009

~ Aligning~

The Body speaks as sensations of all characters move throughout the layers and subtle energy awareness. With major highways of energy tracks bringing messages of the ancestors, release, letting go and acceptance AND CHANGE~~maybe or Not. Choose how to see life's subtle world of energy. Yin and Yang only assist in distinguishing energy types. Male and Female. Equal of both is an alignment energetically. As it takes energy to set action to motion being in alignement gives more energy since it takes less effort.

Curious and inquisitive regarding the discovering of all parts of my inner pysche, this is necessary to see the truth of my potential of what is my mission here on earth. How can I
serve humanity? What are the unliked parts of myself..the ego.. beliefs and poor programs of
fear passed down through the women in my lineage. These get to be seen acknowledged and
healed for the blessing to go thy way. Detaching every second to any idea/belief to then see another to then break it and then to another, consistently changing belief systems..for now
Soon those ego desires will fall away leaving less ideas as we swim in the pisces sea of uncondtional love ravishing in the unlimited bliss of joy and resurrection!
Aligning my thoughts and now actions to this earth walk with focused intention.
In search of my tribe to bring my gifts to this physical plane~and beyond~~


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Be the Change or Be Changed !!

Be aware of the new era we are entering. Manifistations will arrive quite shockingly at your feet if unconsciousness is not harnessed and redirected...Red Alert !!

I'm so happy,
Doing the Photon Trance~~

Slip into a new world paradigm that we, the people, have dreamt into being. Enjoy the ride!
Just Be

2013 is our Celebration day~ It is time the Human evolves to the next level of being Human~
Show up! That is it! Thanks for all the dedication, discipline and devotion! The Human Race needs everyone no matter what level your playing. Big Love ~~Aloha Nui


Monday, March 2, 2009

Boundaries Beware~

Another subject that I am quite curious about these days is Boundaries~ What are good
exercises and what becomes too rigid and rude~

   I get that being too fancy free can attract those to test your boundaries~ that is a drainer~
I suppose that being creative in ways of communication to assist with setting boundaries~ this is the up side~~ well, to me, it's not quite that easy or clear. 

 What is it?  

What is it that makes just "being" so difficult.
.....being carefree in one's expression of life and it's amazing love light that flows unconditional~