Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The world as "we" know it

In the World but not of it
Maybe, just maybe, the world today is not quite what life is actually in reality all about.
Society and humans have created a slew of advancements which allow us to do what "I am" doing now-blogging. Connecting with the intention of relating and communing. This is indeed a human desire, but we have advanced on one level and yet remained ignorant on other planes of existence. Balance is coming, no need for fear or negativity on my part for our footprints on earth and set backs from our "true nature" that is the purpose of today's blog. Recognizing balancing is just through the next door. There is a since of urgency that is needed at the same time, without anxiety of course. The photo above was taken in Alice Keck Park in Santa Barbara on an amazing July weekend full of children laughing and playing together freely with no worries or concern of the global issues at hand. This is my purpose for reaching out. There is a need to "get it together" for the future of the next 7 generations, for their ability to remain free and not stuck with our out of balance and lack of consideration for our actions now.
I read an article in the AAA magazine,which very rarely do. Most often I toss it and cringe of the wastes, but somehow my attention found the "green" needs title to help the environment.
The astonishing news of how many people do not notice and take action towards simple things as replacing a lost,broken or loose gas cap is mind blowing. How much pollution this actually creates, it seems so elementary, yet..would you have thought of it. The education of our planet should take front row over other laws in our society. The requirements of the individual today are non-existing except perhaps to driving laws, paying bills etc. Holistic Lifestyle is not just for some, it is meant for us all and is the way to balance our new modern world.

1 comment:

k said...

its pretty


kaztry 